
About us

Our mission is to enhance and support the educational experience at Twin Cedars School District through the creation of family activities and volunteer-based programs that support our teachers, children and families. The organization will collaborate and communicate with administration, teachers, staff, families and community partners to coordinate activities and events that help bridge gaps in funding while promoting a sense of community. 

Members of the Twin Cedars PTO include parents and guardians of Twin Cedars students, faculty members, and professional staff. We encourage members to volunteer, be informed, and participate throughout the year!


Click here to see full calendar.

February 10 - Open Food Pantry 6-8pm

February 14 - Drive-thru Food Pantry 6-6:30pm

February 24 - Open Food Pantry 6-8pm

February 28 - Drive-thru Food Pantry 6-6:30pm

March 29 - Spring Carnival


Your PTO membership helps cover the costs of school-wide academic activities, school programs and educational materials and equipment for students and teachers, appreciation events for our staff, and miscellaneous expenses that arise throughout the school year. 

You may also Venmo a donation to @twincedarspto.

Every dollar is put back into our Saber community! 


Follow the Twin Cedars PTO on Facebook and Instagram to get the latest news and see the fun! Click on the links below. 
